MTA Forums

mta forumsAn MTA-sponsored speaker series aimed at sharing the insights and experiences of our member-educators, as well as prominent scholars, writers and activists. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about important issues affecting our schools, colleges, universities and communities and leave with action steps they can take to advocate for public education.

MTA Forums hosted by the Anti-Racism Task Force

Anti-Racism Task Force

These virtual hour-long meetings, hosted by the Anti-Racism Task Force, are free and open to all MTA members. Covering a range of topics, these webinars are intended to deepen our understanding of racial injustice and liberation from an intersectional lens, and inspire action.

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MTA Forum: Wrestling with Privacy — Surveillance Technologies in Education

MTA Forum: Wrestling with Privacy — Surveillance Technologies in Education

MTA Forum: Author Heather McGhee on the zero sum theory

MTA Forum: The Thrive Act, High Stakes Standardized Testing and State Takeovers